March 16

Next update POSTPONED to April 5!

Wow, it’s been a busy two weeks! Lots to go over, including PAX East stuff, plus some news about my “secret” novel project…

Let’s start off with PAX East. BioWare was there in force, showing off Star Wars: The Old Republic. Among the highlights were a new trailer, and a new in-game walkthrough.

Needless to say, fans went nuts to test out the game: at one point there was a seven hour line to get into the BioWare booth. To give you a taste of what people thought, here’s the write up over at Newsarama, and here’s coverage from Darth Hater, including an inside peek at the SWTOR Community party they helped host at the event.

Mass Effect represented at PAX as well: here’s a  cool pic from Gamespot of some of the dedicated ME fans in costume, and another pic from Flickr.

It would have been fun to be there; it’s too bad my schedule didn’t work out for me to attend this year. But even though I wasn’t there, it’s nice to know people were thinking of me. For example, here’s some very interesting SPECULATION about my unannounced novel from my friends over at EU Cantina based on some small hints dropped in the SWTOR trailer. Keep in mind – I’m not confirming any of this by posting the link! I just think it’s cool people are this passionate about Revan.

There is something I can confirm about the book, however. As was hinted at earlier, the novel is a tie-in with the SW:TOR game. And, on April 15 we will be officially announcing the title – once that happens, I’ll be able to talk a bit more about this project.

But wait, there’s more! The release date has been announced as October 15 (though that might shift slightly), and at Comic-Con International in San Diego in July we’re going to preview the cover and release an excerpt of the novel.

That seems like a good place to end this update. So… the end.
